Because it's not that easy...and usually I claim for answers I still haven't been able to get
Whatever the reason,it certainly is hard to agree with Steve in theory , knowing that the practice will be a "battle to fight" (or a challenge, from a far more positive perspective)

Social Media in ELT reminds me of Don Quixote and his windmills « Social Media Citizenship and ELT via kwout
Many colleagues of mine -from Argentina-are starting their winter hols tomorrow. Maybe they get to this post some day, while surfing...I'll be really glad to read their comments. I'm sure they share most of my feelings.
International ESL Teachers who probably do not face this problem will , of course, be more than welcome if they leave doubts / hints / suggestions...or more questions / problems to try to sort out together -as those birds who flock together -flying high, to fulfill students' expectations.
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