One of the most demanding activities for any blogger-at least lately- is updating his blog, especially with all the networking done all the...

Further Online Socializing Tools
Plurk Basics Video What I do love about these online "widgets" or social applications is the great possibility they offer not on...

Ideas to encourage blog comments
If the value of blogs is measured by the degree of interaction they create, then comments are really the key to successful projects . Howeve...

Resistencia, the "city of the Sculptures"
Incredible enough, seldom do I refer to Resistencia, the town where English Studio is placed, on this blog. But I've just come across th...

About P.O.D.E.R. and metaphors and similes in Argentine educational environments
I usually like introducing issues with visual stimuli, so watch this clip before reading the written excerpt below - the situation could ve...

Blog content : ON
Whole blog on an eye-catching online poster . Via Wordle Wordle seems to be a visually nice tool to show brainstorming of ideas, topics, e...

Who said it was easy?
Call me a rebel or whatever you feel like, but let me confess I do feel at a loss whenever I see something like this while surfing. Because...

Another "e-lesson" to share with colleagues: " exploratree" in class
This is what I got: And this is how I got it: One of the least practical steps in dealing with writing, especially at higher levels of the...

Fin de Evaluaciones de mitad de año, análisis de resultados listos e inicio del 2do cuatrimestre
Teniendo en cuenta cada uno de los aspectos expresados en mi post de hace un año acabamos de concluir con el período de evaluaciones corres...

Tiempo de Evaluaciones
El lunes 7 y martes 8 de julio se realizarán las primeras evaluaciones generales en todos los niveles. Las mismas tienen por objetivo deten...

Notes from a crying country
It's been almost four pretty hectic months for any ordinary citizen from our beloved Argentina and I cannot avoid feeling worried and, a...