Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Whale stranded in the Thames


A seven-tonne whale has made its way up the Thames to central London, where it is being watched by riverside crowds.

Look at these pics (A to I) and match them to the captions below :

1. The barge made slow progress through east London but the whale died just hours later

2. ... watched by spectators and TV viewers around the world. The public was later moved from the foreshore to avoid the rising tide and make way for rescuers.

3.The yellow pontoons also acted as a hood covering the whale's eyes to keep it calm.

4.As the tide dropped, the attempt to rescue a whale stranded in the River Thames began. This man herded the whale toward the shore...

5.Rescuers laid their hands on the whale to steady and reassure it, keeping their palms flat so as to protect its delicate skin

6.As the tide rose, the whale was lashed between inflatable rafts and towed slowly to the Crossness salvage barge that lifted it from the water.

7. Crowds flocked to Battersea Bridge to see the whale travel towards the barge that planned to take it to safety.

8. As the vets got to work, rescuers splashed water on the whale's body and apply lubricating gel to its eyes and blowhole. Wet blankets were draped over its back.

9.The incongruous sight of a whale beached opposite Chelsea's expensive houses had been beamed across the world.

Source: BBC News


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