WiZiQ: A State of the Art Virtual Classroom
WiZiQ will be your favorite virtual class room wherein you can learn and teach. It is open to anyone and every one. The Website extends warm invitation to one and all to teach through state-of-the-art online sessions (both private and public). You may either to choose to teach free of cost or for some honorarium. Its virtual presence brings teachers and students together and the regional and social boundaries are not barriers to learning or teaching.

The WiZiQ Website and Web services were launched and maintained by Sikhya Solutions, LLC. The home page is user-friendly and helps users to identify navigational menu and use them instantly. The pages are attractive and well illustrated. The Website helps the browsers to meet WiZiQ members (both learners and teachers) and it is possible to share topics of interest. The website also allows to access, browse, download or upload file contents related to your topics. Most of them are usually power-point presentations. The site, with its intuitive interface, even allows organizing sessions with either a single learner or a group. The site also helps to:
1. Maintain contacts between learners and teachers;
2. Send e mail invitations to you from WiZiQ;
3. Arrange meetings between people with similar interests;
4. Exchange educational content among members;
5. Access, download and or upload and or exchange content in virtual classrooms;
6. Access sessions equipped with live audio or video;
7. Access back-up files of all your sessions;
8. Actively participate in online sessions engaged by subject experts;
9. Save cost and time of teachers and learners;
10. Run all Web based software online and there is absolutely no need to download files or OS from the site. It is compatible to all OS;
11. Use all facilities and teaching aids independently with all privileges by any participant; and
12. Search all archive sessions for any requirements.
Now your virtual classroom is few clicks away.
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