Teens in Argentina- Their habits

Read this text on Argentine Teens and then post your comments on the areas on which you agree and the ones that differ from your reality:
Argentina is famous for tango but has a rich mix of European, North and South American culture. The European influence can be seen and heard in Argentina's art, music, and architecture. Argentina's teens are becoming more accustomed to other cultures, but still retain a strong sense of tradition.
In Argentina, students only have to go to school until age 14 when they finish primary school, but many continue on to secondary, commercial, trade, or arts school. Popular teen activities include sports like field hockey, polo, baseball, and soccer — a national obsession. Another obsession is fashion, both shopping and fashion sense. With 40 percent of the population living in the capital, Buenos Aires, shopping markets around Avenida Santa Fe sell anything and everything.
Music, movies, and television are important parts of life in Argentina. When not listening to their own native stars, teens love Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys. Movie theaters are open until early in the morning and show a mix of American and European movies. Soap operas are another big hit, both in and outside of the country. Most teens listen to these on the radio, which is more common in Argentina's homes than television.
For transportation, teens use taxis, buses, and subways in urban regions. Trains are used in more rural regions of the country. Colectivos or city buses rarely make stops; instead, passengers must leave and enter the bus on the run! -typical Buenos Aires perspective
Meals are an important part of family life in Argentina. Lunch is the biggest meal and suppers are served late. Grills, known as parillada, are popular. Restaurants are often filled well into the early morning, serving traditional dishes and European cuisine. Paraguayan tea or mate is a common drink at meals. The tea is a ritual more than a refreshment, with people sharing cups as a sign of friendship and acceptance.
The home is very important and often holds three generations of one family. Children leave the nest only when they marry. This is because of the high price of housing and also strong cultural traditions.
(Adapted from this website)
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