Sad, isn't it?
On trying to find related articles, this UNESCO webpage came up : "BRIDGE"
The program "I have P.O.D.E.R" tries to promote thinking, exchange and critical analysis concerning spaces about the problems affecting adolescents and pre-adolescents (addictive behaviors, group pressure, violence manifestations, family communication problems, etc.). It aims at building didactic tools that may facilitate the teachers' daily practice when they have to face conflictive and troublesome social situations that influence the classroom. Likewise, the project promotes the effective cooperative and responsible participation of students, in order to elaborate peaceful alternatives that may contribute to overcome common conflicts among teenagers.
The meaning of P.O.D.E.R is the proposal of a subject for adolescents: Purpose (trust your own decisions), Orgullo (pride, be proud of yourself), Determination (you know when and how to choose the best), Enthusiasm (enjoy being yourself), Responsibility (control your life being responsible of your own decisions).
Personally,I believe cohesion is the key to model societies. To hold cohesion society members should share similar values, which are certainly known to make a NATION. Those in "power"-I love the metaphor here- must be responsible for the social welfare of every individual in their country.
Argentina has been suffering a real social / cultural crisis for decades and these last months the situation has worsened, reaching incredible situations. The general social feeling has almost been devastating. No wonder schools have felt the impact.
Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find the other three.
- Confucius
Section 14.- All the inhabitants of the Nation are entitled to the following rights, in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: to work and perform any lawful industry; to navigate and trade; to petition the authorities; to enter, remain in, through, and leave the Argentine territory; to publish their ideas through the press without previous censorship; to make use and dispose of their property; to associate for useful purposes; to profess freely their religion; to teach and to learn.
Argentine Republic - 1994 Constitution
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