The K12 Conference is running and triggering lots of new ideas, offering information, promoting collaboration and , above all, setting up reflection.
English Studio is moving forward.
"I like to think of the idea of classrooms as studios. When you think of classrooms most people get the idea of long straight rows filled with kids. A studio is really different. A studio has a lot of different things going on. Not everybody is doing the same thing.It's probably a little bit noisier than your idea of what a classroom is.
Just by adjusting your idea of classrooms you can open up a lot of possibilities.
Studios are vibrant spaces, with a lot of energy, with somebody who's a master who's in charge of that space and they give us a different idea of classrooms.
So I think the first thing we need to change as we go on this journey is our attitude towards what classrooms can be like. "
Clarence Fisher
K12 Online Conference 2007
Videoclip inspired by previous post on this blog
Link to Clarence Fisher Presentation
The wall posters shown on the videoclip are taken from The Teacher's Magazine (Ediba)
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