Getting to the end of the Academic Term 2007 -This has been English Studio Blog
A) Watch this Real English clip: Now, please work on these exercises B) Watch this clip: Now do these exercises: 1. What is the Coyote doing...
(el video que sigue puede verse con subtítulos en castellano haciendo click en las flechas del costado inferior derecho de la pantalla) R...
"Tests are hard. Tests are scary. In fact, tests stink! But no matter how kids (and parents, and teachers) feel about tests, they’re pa...
Watch this clip and work on the anagram below Click To Play Clik here for the exercise In case there is some diffic...
Children can practise writing and speaking skills by exploiting internet tools- There is an important listening component as well, these too...
and I feel very proud of that :-) (el video que sigue puede verse con subtítulos en castellano haciendo click en las flechas del costado ...
Hard work, but superb outcome !!! _____________________ Franco's report on Habbo Hotel : _____________________ Oscar's report on ...
A) Work on this Cross B) Halloween Fun - Dancing Pumpkins
The Presentation = Great eye-opening opportunity for Teachers
Known a couple of days ago - Triggering out ideas. Click To Play
This is Drew Murphy , the great online presenter- and superb actor, as well!, click on the pic if you can't believe me ...- whose partic...
Fantastic learning experience- no borders- no space: I have just been interacting with K12 Conference presenters using Voicethread, t he bra...
The K12 Conference is running and triggering lots of new ideas, offering information, promoting collaboration and , above all, setting up re...
David Warlick K12Online 2007 Incredible videoclips: Via Blog Guillermo Lutzky Related link
Clip in English Click To Play Clip in Spanish (en Castellano) Click To Play Related posts ...
Acabo de recibir a través de este comentario en el English Studio Online Practice este comentario Hola Alicia- he decidido darte el Premio ...
The best part comes for students of High Levels of the language. Habbo Hotel ( habbo.com ) The Sims Most learners want to be able to use vid...
- Info ONLY in English - Impressed by the fantastic project of Online Conferences for teachers , this is a Bonus from the special section...
For EFL Teachers already involved in the use of Internet Technology in their lessons and those willing to have a go. (Subtitles in Spanish)...
Today we used everything to produce/write/create/understand...Even the walls! Hoy en clase usamos de todo para producir... Incluso las pared...
Realmente espero poder trabajar como ellos a corto o largo plazo. Estoy en eso justamente Y parece de hecho muy cercano el tiempo en que d...
Live Events Schedule Worth joining- I'm in.
No mistake.No misspelling of "n/ever" - The Wikipedia has data on this You are going to watch and listen SIGOURNEY WEAVER talkin...
Great connections established already-Thanks to constant research and hard online work Se establecen contactos importantes mediante la inve...
One of the best ways to enhance your teaching is by observing colleagues in order to get the best from them. (Una de las mejores formas de m...
Este dibujo encontrado por ahí en internet es el resumen de la forma en que me he visto en estos últimos días. Qué interesante analizar lo...
Watch this videoclip from the song "What time is it?" Now work on this activity - Be careful : It has got 4 parts (follow the lin...
1 )Watch this video and focus your attention on the story told by the images (from start to end) - Comment on the happy end of the clip and...
Pownce is one of the micro-blogging sites that have come up along with Twitter, Jaiku and some other brand new stuff. It reminds me of an o...
And these are good times for sharing
In Spanish !!! Access by clicking on the link shown on this blog sidebar Weekly updates for everybody interested in the Web 2.0 trend Secc...
The internet offers incredible material for the practice of English Here's a wonderful link
Video: I'm special Video: Last Week August in class *** Los videos se bajarán de este sitio en 48 hs y se guardarán en la base de datos ...
_____________________ What's missing? Go through these slides and write the correct questions/sentences- Use your notebooks Now work o...
Go through these slides- we'll talk about them and focus on difficult vocabulary areas Now work on these two exercises: 1. for first sli...
En los últimos tiempos mucho se ha hablado de los "digi-niños", los "ciber-chicos "- y la cada vez más notoria necesidad...
Mucho ya se empieza a hablar en los ámbitos de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación sobre las herramientas 3.0 (con las que todavía no me ...
Ok- Let's play "Teddy goes swimming" First, click here to know important data about the game Now click on these words to get ...
Niños que aprenden inglés desde los 5 ó 6 años Indudablemente es el mejor momento para incorporarles el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero,...
Este mes Alicia Rey se refiere a podcasts como recursos de práctica de comprensión auditiva en las clases de inglés Links a notas anteriores...
Back to English lessons after our Winter break, here are your F R I E N D S ! This is a present from my friend Mechi ...