Watch this extract taken from the BBC and work on it:
What's the first question you can read on the broadcasting? Why do you think that they "launch" such a question?
Listen to the beginning of the extract. Fill in the blanks:
"We can't aspire in __________part of the world on __________of the week, covering_____________in the huge world. That's what__________do."
What's the first date mentioned on the clip? What happened on that day?
One of the eyewitnesses says "It wasn't premeditated". What is he talking about?
What was the question that Lou Stein asked himself? How did he send the fist item of news?
What are passengers discussing on the train, according to the clip?
Why does the woman say that July 7th was a turning point? How many SMS messegers were sent? How many stills?
Write down more questions that can be asked in relation to the video
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