Watch this clip * Are the sentences from the audio TRUE or FALSE (according to the images from the video clip)? * Now work on this activit...

Watch this clip * Are the sentences from the audio TRUE or FALSE (according to the images from the video clip)? * Now work on this activit...
Como ejercicio constante de la práctica reflexiva que todo docente suele realizar en su incansable tarea de "aprender a ser mejor...
Pedro- Project Work "There is /are" - Upload a Document to Scribd Read this document on Scribd: Pedro- Project Wor...
Watch these videoclips and work on the activities below : Description 1 - Description 2 - Description 3 - Description 4 Description 5 D...
elementary language practice - Upload a Document to Scribd Read this document on Scribd: elementary language practice
Click on the pic to read about this famous London landmark : The TOWER of LONDON Now work on this questionnaire and then on this quiz Relat...
A - Look at this original pic and describe the girl. What's she like? B - Now watch this sequence of edited photos : 1) Gloria 2) Emi...
Watch this short video Now work on this activity
1) Watch this video - focus both on the song lyrics in the background and on what it shows : 2) Now work on this activity based on the 1s...