Is it safe?------ What is it? ----- What's with the pumpkins?
Trick or treat ------ Dressing up ------ How it started

The scariest night of the year. All around the world people celebrate spookiness.
On 31 October there are loads of Hallowe'en traditions. If you go to a party expect stuff like:
* Scary fancy dress
* Making pumpkin lanterns
* Trick or treating
* Bobbing for apples
* Telling ghost stories

Hallowe'en began as the festival of Samhain. It was part of the ancient Celtic religion.
At the end of summer the Celts thought the barrier between our world and the world of ghosts and spirits got really thin.
This meant weird creatures with strange powers could wander about on Earth.
The Celts had a big party. It was all about scaring away the ghosts and spirits.
All Hallow's Eve
Later the Christian religion took over. The party stayed on the same day but it was now called All Hallows Eve.
It was the day before All Saints' Day.

Jack-o-lantern is the real name for the carved pumpkin. Its glowing face was supposed to scare away evil spirits.
You carried it around the edge of your village or let it burn outside your house on Hallowe'en night.
In Ireland Jack-o-lanterns were carved out of turnips. Lots of Irish people went to live in America.
They still wanted to make lanterns but they couldn't find enough turnips. They used pumpkins instead.

Trick or treaters dress up in scary costumes. They knock on doors hoping to get sweets or money (a treat).
If they get nothing or a lump of coal they may play a practical joke on the people in the house.
This also started with the Celts. They believed that on Samhain some ghosts tried to return to their old homes.
People tried to get the visiting ghosts in a good mood by offering them nice food. They put fruit, nuts and treats on their doorsteps.
If the ghosts were angry they would mess up the farms and frighten the animals.

Ghosts and goblins were all over the place. The Celts had to protect themselves.
If the Jack-o-lantern didn't scare off the spirits then they had their gift of food (a treat).
If that didn't work there was one last resort.
A disguise
If you wore a really, really scary costume you would look like a demon or a spirit. That way none of the ghosts would pick on you.
That is how wearing costumes started.

Not everyone thinks celebrating Hallowe'en is a good idea. Here are 3 reasons they give:
a. Kids out trick or treating may be at risk from strangers or street crime.
b. Trick or treat can get out of hand. Older people get scared and there can be vandalism.
c. Some Christians, especially in America, believe that making a game out of evil spirits and witches might get kids involved in black magic.
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